четверг, 30 ноября 2017 г.

Employee Satisfaction: Why Your Startup Should Invest In Your Team

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.
Your startup will never reach its maximum potential if you don’t cultivate a positive and inspired community within your office. Your team is as important to the future of your business as cash flow and clients are. If you do not invest in your employees, how else can you foster a team that challenges themselves to exceed even beyond their own expectations of themselves?
The more involved an employee is within the company, the more dedicated they will be in helping propel your business forward because they are equally as invested. Implement these practices into your workplace and start prioritizing the growth of your employees:

Professional development and continuous training.

Before a potential employee comes in for an interview, there is a list of things they are looking for in a company that will often determine whether or not they accept the position. For some, on that list is reoccurring training and development. This education gives employees the opportunity to learn new skills and hone in on their strengths, allowing them to further expand on their talents, which could help them better shape their professional career path.

Curating a welcoming environment.

As your team continues to grow, you want to make sure that the environment your employees are walking into every day is welcoming. Your team spends the majority of their day working alongside one another; creating a welcoming environment is good practice in inspiring collaboration and prosperity.

Encouraging a balance between work and personal life.

If your company is still fairly new, both you and your team will be constantly preoccupied with ensuring that everything is getting accomplished in a timely manner. It’s important that you set boundaries with your employees at the onset that there needs to be a balance between work and personal life. Even if they are adamant about extending their work hours, it’s important that you reset their expectations. There is no quicker culprit for employee burnout than an imbalance of work and personal life.
Make your employees a top priority. When you showcase their importance to the company by investing in them, in turn, they will become invested in the success of the startup, wanting to bring about growth as much as you do.

вторник, 28 ноября 2017 г.

Sustaining Startup Culture: The Biggest Challenges To Overcome

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.
This is an exciting period of time to be an entrepreneur. There has been an increase in the number of entrepreneurs who have successfully turned their passions into a fully-functioning, thriving business – some even managing to do it in short periods of time. Funding for startups is also more substantial than ever before, with more alternative options that are replacing the traditional small business loans of the past.
It has been said that we are in the “golden age” of entrepreneurship. What this means is that there are more opportunities available for entrepreneurs to build startups that actually have a significant chance of being successful. This is not, however, to imply that entrepreneurship is easy. It is still a very challenging pursuit, filled with hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and unpredictability. Many small businesses still don’t make it past their first year.
There are so many positive things about startup culture to embrace, but it’s important to recognize the challenges that we still have yet to overcome. If not acted upon, these 3 issues could ruin the progress we have seen so far:

1. A lack of diversity.

There has been some progress in entrepreneurial diversity over the years. For example, since 1997, the number of African American women starting their own businesses increased by over 322 percent, officially recognizing them as the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S. While this growth showcases that more minorities are creating a place for themselves within the entrepreneurial world, the numbers are still very disproportionate when compared to the number of white male entrepreneurs.
This is dangerous because it limits the perspectives that are available to the community, which also limits growth.

2. A focus on repeating ideas rather than creating new ones.

After reading the success stories of certain companies, there has been an onslaught of people who, instead of using that inspiration towards their own business ideas, have chosen to piggyback off of the prosperity of others by repeating their success stories. This hinders their growth because they are now competing to grow in a territory that is already full of similar companies. This void in new, innovative ideas being brought to the forefront is dangerous because we are not creating additional products or services that are serving to help sustain our culture and benefit us as a country.

3. The negative connotations around the word “failure.”

Failure is a nasty word and we use it with such negativity. People fear failing because they believe that it defines their worth. Some entrepreneurs are hesitant to even attempt to build their own companies, while fear causes others to take very few risks. This is because the meaning of failure is associated as being permanent. Failure should be celebrated because it provides us with lessons that allow us to propel ourselves forward. Learning from these mistakes is how we can continue to grow and prosper.
As entrepreneurs, we need to come together to combat these challenges that our startup culture currently faces.

пятница, 24 ноября 2017 г.

Financial Security: Preparing For The Unexpected

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.
As you plan for your financial future, you are anticipating all of the monumental milestones that will occur as you continue along the trajectory of your life. These milestones are intimidating because they often require you to make very serious decisions that are financially demanding. Some of these milestones include choosing the college you want to attend, committing to signing a mortgage for a new home, starting your own family, diversifying your investment portfolio, saving up for retirement, etc.
But the one area that not many think to plan for, mainly because it is not a very pleasant topic to dwell on, is what to do in the event that a spouse passes away unexpectedly. There are resources available to help plan for this (e.g. life insurance), but it’s also good practice to be prepared for an emergency by having a plan-of-action set in place to ensure everything is organized and accounted for so that you aren’t scouring through a disarray of documents.
Here are a few of the most imperative areas that you should prepare for in case of an emergency:

Estate Plan And End-Of-Life Care

One important conversation that need to happen is what will happen to that person’s physical and monetary elements after they pass away. These documents should be readily available for review once this happens so that everything can be carried out appropriately. Some other information that falls into this category are documents such as: your will, your end-of-life care, your power of attorney, etc. You will also want to make sure that your estate plan is as up-to-date as possible.

Securing Essential Documents

These are documents that have compiled up throughout your life, starting with your birth certificate and including any important paperwork you’ve received since. You will also want to organize all of your most important financial documents, from bank account information to any pertinent investment material.

Obtaining All Passwords

Now that there has been a push for more paperless transactions, there are going to be quite a few accounts that can only be accessed online. Nothing would be more time-consuming and aggravating than trying to relocate passwords or having to go through the process of updating them once you can’t find the original passwords. Put them all in one, easily accessible document.

Seeking Aid For Future Financial Planning

If you were not the one in charge of handling your finances, it may be beneficial to look into hiring a financial advisor to help you bear this new responsibility you are now being forced to take on.
Life is unpredictable. And while no one wants to dote on the possibility of an expected death, it is worth developing a plan-of-action in case a dire situation would occur. If you are prepared for the unexpected, you won’t be left trying to grieve while also trying to get your finances in order.

среда, 22 ноября 2017 г.

4 Steps Towards A Debt-Free Life

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.
For some, being in debt is something that resulted from careless spending. Frivolously making purchases for unnecessary commodities with credit cards with the mindset that you will pay it off later by making the minimum monthly payments is the quickest way that Americans get themselves into debt.
For others, debt comes more unexpectedly, perhaps through an unpredicted emergency you were not financially prepared for. Maybe your car broke down and you either had to pay an expensive garage bill or the garage deemed your car unfixable so you are now forced to purchase a new vehicle.
Whatever the cause of your debt is, it’s important that you start developing better money habits as soon possible to get out of debt andprevent additional debt – a very easy cycle to fall into and a difficult one to get out of. It is being estimated that, on average, 50 percent of households currently have debt ranging around $14,000.
Here are some ways you can prevent future debt while also implementing strategies that will help you to work towards managing your current debt:

Step #1: Create a list of all of your debts, including their interest rates.

Don’t skip over this step! Before you can start tackling your debt, it’s important to be aware of exactly how much you have. Write it down in a notebook or start making a list in a spreadsheet so that you have everything contained in one area for future reference. The three most important things you will want to take down: the total amounts you owe, the annual percentage rates (or interest rates), and the monthly minimum payments.

Step #2: Set goals as you work towards paying off your debt.

It will be beneficial for both your stress and your action plan if you can break apart your debt into more manageable portions. Find out how much money you can dedicate to paying off your debt every month and, then, you can do a rough estimate of how many months or years it will take you to pay off the total amount. Set milestones for yourself as you start contributing more money to your debt, whether it be every $1,000 you pay off or every $5,000 you pay off.

Step #3: Focus on the payments with the highest annual percentage rates first.

This is where that list you created at the beginning of the process will come in handy. As you begin paying off your debt, focus on the balances that have the highest interest rates first. Work to eliminate those first by dedicating as much money to them as you can while still being able to pay the monthly minimum payments on your other balances.

Step #4: Find additional ways to bring in income.

If you bring in additional income, that is money that you can be dedicating right to your debt. The thought of working a second job may not seem appealing, but it will only be temporary until you are debt-free again, and this will make paying off your debt go by more quickly.

понедельник, 20 ноября 2017 г.

Life After Tikva: The Future Of Israel

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.
Tikva’s Children’s Home welcomes children of all ages, from infants to younger teens. From the moment they enter the home, they are taken care of, given an opportunity of life that would have been unattainable in their previous situation. For years, they are provided with food, shelter, education, and, most importantly, mentors whose mission it is to truly assist them in transitioning into being functional, thriving adults.
After living at Tikva for a portion of their lives, people often wonder what the transitional period from a children’s home to the real world looks like since it must be a bit of a shock for young adults who are so used to another way of life. Here is a look into life after Tikva.

Life After Graduation

Once these children turn 16 years old – and are deemed both mentally and academically mature enough to continue on to the next stages of life – they officially graduate from Tikva. After graduation, they meet with Tikva’s qualified team of professionals, where they are taught strategies and skills that will help them seamlessly transition from life inside the home to life in mainstream Israel. From here, they attend high school, enroll in university, or go into vocational training, pursuing their dream profession.

Tikva’s Programs

There are two different programs that currently help to serve Tikva’s immigrants as they begin building their lives in Israel:
Tikva’s Vocational Development And Employment Placement Program. It can be very difficult to try to build a life in an environment where you feel like such a stranger, let alone attempt to find a job in a foreign area. This program was founded with the intention of aiding these immigrants in narrowing in on their talents and skills so that they can pursue a professional career path in line with their strengths.
Jewish Holiday Program And Shabbat Retreats. It’s hard to not feel lonely when you are in a place so far away from your family, especially during the holidays. Tikva staff makes it their priority to bring people together during the holidays, so, every year, they transport 150 alumni to be in community with one another at hostels throughout the country.
Currently, over 400 children that have graduated from Tikva have gone on to Israel in order to make a better life for themselves – and that number will only continue to rise. I am so grateful that I can help financially support Tikva in changing the lives of so many people!

четверг, 16 ноября 2017 г.

Social Entrepreneurship: The Bond Between Business And Community

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.
Starting your own business is an exciting venture. Actually surviving as a small business is monumental – only 10 percent of entrepreneurs can actually say they have done this successfully. One would think that once these two accomplishments have been achieved that an entrepreneur would be satisfied, looking to the future to see the continued growth of their business.
For some entrepreneurs, these feats are simply not enough to keep them satisfied. While they are actively involved in growing their business, anticipating all of the milestones that lie ahead, they want to do more with their business than the typical entrepreneur. The business owners who possess this mentality are responsible for inspiring social entrepreneurship. They believe they have a social responsibility to give back to their community, so they use their business to develop and financially support solutions that address social, cultural, and environmental concerns on both a local and global level.

Social Entrepreneurship In The Workplace

When thinking about social entrepreneurship, you should be able to develop a lengthy mental list of all the businesses who have made it their mission to dedicate their time, energy, and funds to make a difference in the world. The most notorious company in the social entrepreneurial realm is perhaps TOMS shoes, known for their policy of donating one pair of shoes to a person in need for every pair purchased online. Warby Parker follows the exact same mission statement, but instead of shoes, they sell and donate glasses to people in need.

What are the benefits of social entrepreneurship?

The main benefit of social entrepreneurship is to know that you are responsible for bettering the lives of people who are in desperate need of commodities that are so readily available to us. However, in addition to these feelings of good will, there are a few other ways that social entrepreneurship can positively impact your small business:
Acquire funding.
Social companies often have an easier time acquiring funding for their ventures. Due to the nature of the company, there are also incentives put in place to help support social entrepreneurs through the government and other various organizations.
Marketing products or services.
Being a socially responsible business is extremely valuable in the eyes of consumers. People are more prone to support a company if they know they are also helping to support a meaningful cause.
Increased support.
Not only will your consumers support your efforts, being actively engaged in helping to bring about change, but other companies that fall within this group are more likely to lend their support in advocating for your company’s mission.
If you have ever considered becoming a social entrepreneur or want to incorporate this practice into your current business model, do some research into how you can be an entrepreneur who puts the needs of others at the forefront of their mission.

понедельник, 4 сентября 2017 г.

Ask Yourself: Are You Destined To Be An Entrepreneur?

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.
Entrepreneurs may not appear to be much different than the average person. And in a lot of ways, they aren’t. But in order to be successful in a world of individuals who are all pushing to make their entrepreneurial pursuits a reality, there are certain entrepreneurs who stand out above the rest, who will actually turn their ideas into a functioning business. And of these entrepreneurs, there are qualities they possess at their very core that are quite different from the average person. It is these character and personality traits ingrained within them that provide them with a strong base in order to propel their ideas into successful endeavors.

Are you destined to be an entrepreneur?

Not everyone is destined to become an entrepreneur. It takes more than just great ideas and capital to fund those ideas to be a successful business owner. If one of your life goals is to one day own your own company, ask yourself: do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? If you ask yourself the following questions and can confidently agree that you possess these traits, you are already well on your way.

Are you a problem solver?

Every day, there will be new challenges that you will have to mitigate in order to keep your business functioning smoothly. If you can survive the pressure of resolving a high number of unpredictable issues, and are continuously looking for underlying problems to address before they become unmanageable, than you are equipped to handle the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Can you recognize areas where you need to improve?

Just because you are a confident person doesn’t mean that there aren’t areas that you can improve upon. If you are too prideful to admit that you have weaknesses, then you will not succeed as a business owner. There will be many times you will be forced to reassess and restrategize in order to keep up with the demands of your business. If you are unable to be honest with yourself and flexible enough to make those changes, you could run a company into the ground.

Could you delegate tasks to other employees?

You are bringing your ideas to fruition. You have a vision of how you want your company to be, as well as how you want it to run. It’s okay to put effort into ensuring that it mirrors your expectations, but you need to be able to delegate the smaller tasks to your other employees and let go of that control. You are the mind behind the company, and you also shoulder the majority of the responsibilities, which means that you need to be available to deal with the larger aspects of the business.

Is everything you do done with purpose?

Never do something for the sake of saying you did it. Think about why you are doing something and if it makes sense for your business. Trust your gut and if these decisions are made with purpose, it will be the driving force behind whether your small business succeeds or fails.

четверг, 31 августа 2017 г.

3 First-Year Lessons To Learn From Successful Entrepreneurs

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.
Have you ever thought about what your life would look like as an entrepreneur? Gone are the days of having to work for someone else, especially someone who you may have conflicting ideas with. Being an entrepreneur allows you the creative freedom to bring your own ideas to life, rather than working hard to bring to life the ideas of someone else. It also gives you more control of how you balance your personal life with your business life.
But entrepreneurship is not something that everyone can excel at. While there are obvious benefits of becoming your own boss, there are substantial challenges that will present themselves over time, especially throughout your first year in business. While, in the moment, these hurdles may seem significant and impassable, they will also be the lessons that will prove the most beneficial to your future success.
Straight from the experiences of fellow entrepreneurs, these are the top 3 first-year lessons that you will learn as you begin your business venture:

1. Be flexible with your expectations.

Many entrepreneurs spend years thinking of how to start their own business. With a pressing passion to get their business off the ground, they often set high expectations for themselves and all they will accomplish in their first year. This drive is what sets entrepreneurs apart, yet it’s important not to do too much at the onset. You want to build your business for success while also not burning yourself out in the process. Set goals for yourself but don’t hold too tightly onto these plans. Unpredictable changes are going to occur and you need to make sure you are flexible enough to run with the punches.

2. Learn how to say “no” when necessary.

Financial stability is at the forefront of every entrepreneur’s mind. There will be a lot of financial sacrifices that will need to be made in order to not only support yourself, but your business as well. While it may be tempting to say “yes” to every opportunity for the sake of revenue, this could be very dangerous to your future success. You can’t take on every single project or else you will work yourself too thin, which could have a detrimental impact on your mindset towards your business.

3. Create a schedule that works in your favor.

One of your strengths at your current position may be time management, but prioritizing your time when you are working for yourself can prove to be extremely difficult for those not accustomed to it. One of the reasons you chose to become your own boss was so that you can be more in control of your schedule. Don’t let work control your life. There needs to be boundaries set in place to ensure that you give yourself a break so you can focus on your personal well-being as well.

среда, 30 августа 2017 г.

4 Changes To Make For A Better Financial Year

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.

We are constantly setting new goals for ourselves. While these goals differ immensely from person-to-person, we create these goals for ourselves in order to better certain areas of our lives. The most common goals are primarily health-focused – losing a certain amount of weight, eating a more balanced diet, exercising at least three times every week. But one area that should be at the forefront of more people’s attention is a focus on financial success.

Finances also happen to be the area that most individuals don’t know how to traverse. The answer to your financial success does not solely rely in risk-taking and huge investments. There are a few strategies that you should implement first in order to build a strong foundation to grow upon as you continue to expand your financial understanding.

You have probably heard these strategies before, but they are important because they work. Your financial success is contingent upon your personal habits and behaviors, so making these changes this year will help you to lay out a successful financial future:

Create A Budget (Or Optimize Your Current One)

Having a budget is essentially having an organizational tool that helps you track your finances over the course of the year – and they are not as daunting to create as many people make them out to be. But a successful budget is not one that remains static. It will require frequent changes that are dependent upon your income, the changes in monetary amounts that need to be dedicated to certain monthly expenses, and to account for any financial emergencies. Be as detailed as possible because your budget is what will help you control your finances. It provides you with physical evidence of where you can afford to cut back in order to save more money.

Put Money Into A 401(k) Or IRA Plan

One of the worst things that you can do for your financial future is to put off placing money into a retirement savings account. Do not wait until you are older to begin saving for life after employment. The sooner you start saving, the more time you have to accrue a more substantial amount of money. If your workplace offers 401(k) plans to their employees, make it a goal to contribute the maximum amount possible every year – or at least as much as you can afford to in order to still live comfortably. If you don’t have access to a 401(k) plan, look into getting an IRA plan set up instead.

Learn How To Invest

It’s inspiring to read the success stories of individuals who took a risk with investing to have it pay off beyond their wildest imagination. But risky investments may not be a good strategy for a beginning investor. Save these types of investments once you have more experience and more stable funds. When you first start out, be consistent and talk with a professional to ensure that you are making decisions that are both safe and wise.

вторник, 29 августа 2017 г.

Ways To Finance A Growing Business

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.

One of the most challenging areas of a growing business is finding the right funding. If your business is doing well, you will need to acquire the funds that will help you continue to expand. Or, there are times when businesses just need extra capital to help them get through a financial slump.

How can you finance your business?

There are a variety of ways to seek out money that you can put towards building your business. Before you pursue one of these options, but sure to sit down and dedicate time to figuring out what your goals are, calculating the necessary amount you will need, and, then, compare these options to find the one that would make the most sense for your specific needs.

Ask family members or friends.

Ideally, the best way to borrow money would be to seek out extra funds from family members or friends who have the financial flexibility to temporarily part with money with no affect on their personal stability. While you will eventually need to pay them back, it eliminates the weighted stress of having to follow a stricter timeline. Family members and friends will be more lenient about how quickly they are reimbursed, however, you could risk destroying personal relationships if you were to completely lose the money.

Apply for a bank loan.

This is the option that most businesses pursue, typically because it seems like the most obvious one. Depending on the type of financing you need, banks offer a wider variety of funding options. However, the approval process of acquiring a bank loan has become very strict, which means that a lot of smaller businesses won’t pass beyond the approval process.

Consider equity funding.

Obtaining money through equity funding means that you are putting forward a portion of your business in return for investment. Venture capital is one of the most common types of equity funding. This is a great way to raise capital for your growing business, but it also requires that you have planned out exactly how you are going to make a return on investment within a specified period of time.

Acquiring a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan.

These loans are available to any small business, but, to prevent everyone from applying, your business must first meet a list of qualifications. These qualifications often eliminate many small businesses from the running at the onset. If you do happen to meet the qualifications, you will still need to go through another financial institution because the SBA does not actually provide loans directly to businesses. The standards of this other institution may be even higher than the other financing options available to you.

пятница, 25 августа 2017 г.

Getting Involved: Philanthropic Opportunities In New York

Originally published on Tom Leydiker's website.

In the city that never sleeps, there are endless activities for you to become involved in. For many, New York is a place where individuals go to pursue their dreams or to discover new areas that can fulfill aspects of their lives they feel have been missing. To some, this could be furthering a professional endeavor or exploring a future in the arts. To others, it could simply be wanting to immerse themselves in an entirely different environment – a community that is constantly growing and filled with seemingly endless possibilities.
Not all seek fulfillment in their independent success, though. Some are captivated by New York for the world of philanthropy it opens up. There are so many organizations that have roots in New York. Not only do these organizations make a significant impact on the local community, but a number of them also make an impact on a global level as well. There is never an excess of resources available to these charities, so it is always inspiring to see the community come together to support these efforts with both their money and time.
If you’ve been wanting to give back but aren’t quite sure of where to start, here are a few charities that are very dear to my heart:

1. American Red Cross

The American Red Cross is dedicated to providing relief and even preventative services in order to aid suffering. Their services not only make a difference in the surrounding areas, but their outreach extends throughout the rest of the world as well. If you have had any relationship with the Red Cross in the past, you are already familiar with some of their services, like donating blood and safety courses. But their disaster relief services have quite an impact in helping to rebuild communities in third world countries and beyond.

2. Doctors Without Borders

With offices in twenty different countries, it’s no surprise how far the effects of this organization can reach. Doctors Without Borders revolutionized the way that victims of disasters and war received emergency assistance and were one of the first organizations who not only provided this service, but were able to grow it to such a large extent.

3. Habitat For Humanity

Another organization with roots in a variety of locations, Habitat For Humanity is one of the guiding forces responsible for improving the living situations of low-income families. Because of their vision, the resources they receive from their supporters, and the individuals who volunteer their time to help build the homes, they have been able to change the lives of thousands of families, promising them safety and security by putting a roof over their heads.
If any of these charities mirror causes that are important to you, consider donating to them or supporting their efforts. Without you, they would not be able to live out their missions.

четверг, 27 июля 2017 г.

Partnership Opportunities With Tikva Children's Home

My partnership with Tikva Children's Home started quite a while ago. Since then, it has become a staple in the organizations that I continually support.

When you find an organization like Tikva, it is one that will develop into a long-term relationship. Perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of this specific organization, unlike many others, is that the money they receive through donations is actually used in accordance with their mission statement.

Since I first built a partnership with Tikva, I have not only seen the tremendous impact the contributions that I and many others have had on the children they work with, but I have actually been able to impact to get involved with the organization on a deeper level. For example, I was recently given the opportunity to sponsor Tikva’s Annual Gala at Espace NYC.

If you would like to work in partnership with Tikva's mission, here are a variety of opportunities for you to get involved:

Every year, Tikva Children's Home organizes a minimum of two to three missions to Odessa. Here, individuals have the opportunity to spend time connecting with Tikva's children, cradling infants or playing games with their teenagers.

Annual Young Leadership Retreat & Fundraising
Individuals who are between the ages of 20-30 from either North America or Western Europe have the chance to be hand-selected to travel to Odessa and immerse themselves in the home. In addition to spending time with the children, they are also educated on Tikva's programs. Through this insight and first-hand experience, these participants can help to spread the word about the importance of what this organization does to support Jewish children.

Virtual Adoption Program
If volunteering your time is not possible for you, consider sponsoring one of Tikva’s children. The monetary support that is given to these children helps to provide them with food, medical care, weather-appropriate clothing, a roof over their head, and a quality education. But through your support, they can also experience the genuine love of humanity.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program
If you can’t travel and have financial limitations, consider donating a smaller amount of money that will be used to help a Jewish child celebrate his or her Bar/Bat Mitzvah. This is a symbolic part of Jewish culture and your donations can help properly bring a child into adulthood.

The children that are cared for in Tikva are brought out of poverty and neglect and into the loving arms of the staff at the home. Even something as small as a toy is enough to bring them utter joy. If you want to make a small contribution that will have a huge impact, consider sending a child a simple gift!

Not only will your financial contributions help to serve the children at the home, they will help Tikva to find and care for the hundreds of other abandoned or abused children who are living in undesirable, heartbreaking conditions. Learn more about Tikva’s partnerships online!

среда, 26 июля 2017 г.

4 Free Ways To Make A Difference In The World

Supporting a need greater than your own is one way to find meaning in your own life. Not only are you creating purpose for yourself, but your contributions have a direct impact on the lives of others.

When individuals think of ways to give back, they immediately think of putting pen to paper and writing a check for an organization they wish to support. This mentality is not only limiting, it often causes people to opt out of giving altogether due to insufficient finances. If someone is forced to decide between putting food on the table or donating money, it is a no-brainer that feeding their family is a better use of money than giving it away.

What many people fail to realize is that philanthropic efforts do not have to be monetary. You can have a similar impact on an individual, a group, or an organization by simply giving of your time and resources without spending a single penny.

Here are 5 different ways that you can change the world - for free:

1. Idealist
For the idealists of the world, there is a place where you can meet other individuals who are just as interested in you as making a difference on both a local and global scale. Idealist.org is a website that brings individuals together, no matter where you are from.

2. Volunteer Match
This website will pair you up with other volunteers and organizations that want to give of their time to help people in need. Together, you can all find an opportunity that is close to your hearts where your services can make a huge impact.

3. Elder Helpers
Sometimes volunteer opportunities arise that may seem minimal, but are just as impactful as if you were volunteering for an entire organization. Elder Helpers connects volunteers with a senior in need. These services could be anything from helping them garden to driving them to a store for groceries once a week.

4. Dress For Success
If you have a very busy schedule, sometimes volunteering opportunities get in the way of other activities and obligations. Instead, use what you already have to give back. Dress For Success encourages women to donate their gently used business clothing to women in the workplace who don’t have the financial income to buy more expensive, professional business wear.

пятница, 3 марта 2017 г.

The Children Of Tikva

Some children do not get the white-picket-fence upbringing that so many others are born into. No spacious home with a lush backyard to play in. No mother and father, happily married, to shower them with the affection, support, and warmth all growing children deserve. No consistent area of life to serve as a positive example or to promise a stable future.

But that does not mean that these children don’t have just as much potential as other children. All they require is a safe-space where there are individuals who not only recognize this potential, but are dedicated to bringing this potential out of them.

For many, this safe-space has a name: Tikva Children’s Home. With open arms, they welcome children of any age, which includes those as young as infants, who typically remain under their care until they are sixteen years of age. When these children first come to Tikva, they have already experienced more suffering than adults three times their age. These traumatic beginnings to life often leave children to suffer various complications that range from medical ailments to psychological and developmental disabilities.

The heartbreak of seeing these children when they first come to Tikva are quickly replaced with feelings of happiness and inspiration as these children grow into their roles as independent, capable adults. Through the love they received while under the care of Tikva staff members, they are now destined for a good life, just as they would have been if they would have been raised in a more stable home at the onset of their lives.

Who are the children of Tikva?

Tikva is not discriminatory in who they take in. But there are three common reasons for why a child would come into the care of Tikva.

Children who are orphans.

Children who are found living on the streets or in the surrounding state orphanages, often separated from their other siblings, are located and brought into Tikva’s home.

Children who live in abusive homes.

These children live in the home of either one parent, both parents, or another living relative. They may have a living space, but these homes are unfit to live in because their caretaker(s) are either abusive and neglectful or there are dangerous risks inside the home, like alcohol or drugs.

Children who live in poverty.

There are children that come into Tikva’s care that are lucky enough to have a parent or family member who truly cares about them, yet, due to economical circumstances, they are unable to provide the basic necessities that are needed for survival.

No matter where these children come from, one thing applies to all of them: they deserve the opportunity of a better life. That is why I have founded the Tom Leydiker Foundation and have made it my purpose to fund organizations, such as Tikva Children’s Home. They require the means and resources to provide adequate care to improve the lives of these children who have already lived through so much pain and anguish.